Pictures from the Fair

Ag-Fair Yellow

Ag-Fair Yellow - 2010

St. Croix’s annual agricultural fair held in February is an eagerly anticipated and well attended event. And then there is the color.

There is a small village of food booths in one area all painted the same slightly greenish yellow. Vendors sell pates (vaguely like a fried turnover), johnnycakes, fried chicken and fish, a variety of fruit drinks and other local delicacies out of these booths.

One of the routes from the food booths to the animal, fruit and vegetable displays leads down a narrow street lined with vendors selling everything from t-shirts to honey to art and jewelry — and even a few local politicians hawking their wares to the sound of reggae in the background. Come early in the day to beat the crowds and the heat of the sun!

Vendors at the Fair

Vendors' Row -- 2010

21 Comments on “Pictures from the Fair

  1. Very nice – particularly the lower one. Do you paint on the photos with brush and/or other tools, or do you use filters, or both? (If it’s not a secret!)

  2. Thanks, absurdoldbird! No its not a secret, but the answer is “all of the above”. I almost always use a varety of brushes, sometimes in Painter, and sometimes just in photoshop… but also lots of work with layer masks and other tools, and sometimes a subtle application of a filter or two.

  3. Absolutely love the intense colors. Ag-Fair Yellow is stunning. I like the water color feel, the touches of red, and the crisp defining line between the yellow dress and dark blue. The image makes me want to put a lime in an ice cold Corona and have a sip! Great sense of energy and activity in Vendor’s Row.
    All I can say about the previous post is “what exactly goes on down there in St. Croix?” šŸ™‚

  4. Funny how those same yellow buildings during the year, when left unoccupied, look so bland.
    Anything BUT ( or should I say BUTT ) in this top photo which somehow captures in two figures the essence of what that day is all about.
    Some may say that photographing people from behind is like a sneak attack, but I like the spontaneous quality of catching a moment without seeing someones’ face.
    Great, dynamic shots – complete with texture and feeling.

  5. Hi, Catherine! The ag-fair is full of color and energy, and usually sunny. Just sit at one of those picnic tables under the big mango tree, drink that Corona and watch the people go by.
    Your comment about “what exactly goes on down there in St. Croix” made me laugh out loud — literally!

  6. It’s really true, Bonnie, how forlorn the fair grounds can look without all the people and activity — except for the beautiful trees. Thanks so much for your comment… capturing in shorthand what the event is about was exactly what I had hoped to do.

  7. Sounds like a fun day. I like the motion in the first image. ;+)

    Donald do you ever give classes you are such a Master at this Art. A true inspiration. I look at my Photo CS3 book for dummies and wonder maybe I should just stick to acrylic painting.

  8. I love the top shot. I’m such a sucker for bright colours and I like how, through manipulation, the image is almost an abstraction.

  9. I love both of these, Don. Love them. I think you channeled Prof Buffnik in the second one! Looks like his 10mm lens to me and that sky! I am going to try some painting again with Painter if I could just find my tablet!

  10. Thanks, starlaschat — but no I don’t consider myself a “master” at photoshop. The tricks and tools I use I have learned to use well (usually), but there is so much to the program I’ve never even touched! Don’t give up on it because there’s a lot there to benefit painters and artists of all types. And I’ve learned so much from artists who paint and draw, even though I am useless with a paintbrush myself. It’s more of that cross-pollination thing we were talking about here a few psots ago.

  11. Thanks, Pat! It was no 10mm lens, but I did try to create that feeling. Those clouds were very low and fast-moving, so the scene looking down the row of vendors just gave me this wide wrap-around sensation.
    Hope you find the tablet — you’ll be amazed at how much time you can burn up playing with Painter!

  12. Thank You Donald. I appreciate your creative talents. I’m glad you have this blog and maybe some day I will be able to buy one of your prints. I guess I need to just jump in and start reading and putting in some time and not giving up.

  13. You’ve really captured the intensity of the light and the uniqueness of the place. I love the colors, and I love the way you’ve manipulated the images.

    You’ve definitely got a wonderful, personal signature!

  14. What wonderful colors! I also love the way in your pieces, my eye is always led around and around by the lines, real and implied…very cool.

  15. Thanks, Karen! It’s hard to miss the colors here. And those lines that lead your eyes around? Well sometimes that’s intentional, but more often it just seems to happen. I’m not going to fight it though!

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